Price Match Promise

Travelner aims at offering our customers first-class services at competitive prices. Therefore, we attempt to ensure customers’ best value of money with our Price Match Promise.

At Travelner, we won't be beaten on price. So within twenty-four (24) hours of booking, if you see a lower price (including taxes and fees) for the identical travel services available for booking on a Major OTA Competitor’s site, Travelner will match that price.

Special Considerations:

  • For airfares, the flight itinerary that beats our rate must be identical to Travelner’s flight itinerary. This means that each and every element of each offer matches including airline(s), flight number(s), itinerary, date(s), number of customers and seat type.
  • For other travel services, the following details of the product must be the same with our products including but not limited to room type, inclusions, vehicle type, time of departure and other terms.
  • Customers must ensure that the lower-price product is live on a competitor's site and is available to be booked at the time you contact us, as determined by our customer care representatives.

Our Price Match Promise does not apply to:

  • Membership program websites.
  • Corporate discounts or rates.
  • Group, charter, rewards program, incentive, meeting, convention, or consolidator special rates.
  • Products that are available only by using a coupon or other promotion not offered to the general public.
  • Military, student, government, tour operator, bulk, vacation package or "Web Only" rates.
  • “Opaque” tickets (where the airline booking details are unknown until after purchase) or tickets issued under a “bidding” or “auction” model.
  • Fare errors.

Should you find a better price and want to invoke Price Match Promise, please contact us via [email protected] or call our Customer Service to share your booking number and all the details of the lower priced product (name of the airline, flight, itinerary, date, number of customers, seat type and other required details stated above).

You will also be asked to share the URL or screenshots to support our customer service representatives in verifying the itinerary details. Customer service must be able to locate the lower rate itinerary from the information you provide and decide whether it follows our Price Match Promise terms and conditions. If the request is not verified, or for which you have provided incomplete information, we reserve the right to deny any claims. After verification, you will be given the choice to keep your itinerary with a refund of the difference in total price or a full refund if you prefer cancelling your booking.

Afslættir og sparnaðarkröfur

Afslættir og sparnaðarkröfur eru byggðar á mörgum þáttum, þar á meðal leit yfir 600 flugfélög til að finna lægsta fáanlega fargjaldið. Kynningarkóðar sem sýndir eru (ef einhverjir eru) gilda til að spara fyrir viðurkenndar bókanir frá stöðluðum þjónustugjöldum okkar. Aldraðir og unglingar geta fundið sérstakt afsláttarfargjöld sem ákveðin flugfélög bjóða upp á háð hæfi flugfélaga. Ferðamenn í hernum, áföllum og sjónskertum eiga rétt á afslætti af þjónustugjöldum okkar eftir bókun eins og lýst er í undantekningarreglunni um samúð, sem getið er um í skilmálum okkar.

* Sparnaður byggður á miðgildi fargjalda sem fannst á Travelner í síðasta mánuði. Öll fargjöld eru fyrir miða fram og til baka. Fargjöld innihalda öll eldsneytisgjöld, skattar og gjöld og þjónustugjöld okkar. Miðar eru óendurgreiðanlegir, óframseljanlegir, óframseljanlegir. Nafnabreytingar eru ekki leyfðar. Fargjöld eru aðeins rétt þegar þau eru sýnd. Sýnd fargjöld eru háð breytingum, framboð og ekki hægt að tryggja það við bókun. Lægstu fargjöld geta krafist fyrirframkaupa í allt að 21 dag. Ákveðnar myrkvunardagsetningar gætu átt við. Orlofs- og helgarferðir kunna að hafa aukagjald. Aðrar takmarkanir gætu átt við. Sparaðu peninga með því að bera saman mörg flugfélög á vefsíðunni okkar og velja lægsta fargjaldið.

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