Fares are not guaranteed until your flights are ticketed. Prior to your form of payment being processed and accepted successfully, if there is a change in the price of airfare or any other change, you may be notified of this change, and only upon such notification you have the right to either accept or decline this transaction. If you elect to decline this transaction, you will not be charged.
After your flights are ticketed, all changes are subject to availability, additional fees, airline rules, and regulations.
All online bookings on the Travelner website or mobile application must be fully paid at booking. After the full payment has been verified, you will be provided with a booking reservation code with details of confirmed services, e-tickets, and travel vouchers where applicable.
Choose from the following methods of payment for your own convenience. The prices quoted on the Travelner website are final prices for online payments. Please note the amount deducted from your account may differ due to currency conversion or other charges incurred at your banks.
Travelner can receive payments by wire bank transfer in EUR or other supported currencies. After selecting Wire Bank Transfer as your payment method, you will see all available Travelner’s bank account information for your convenience.
Travelner accepts payments by Visa, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards by simply filling card information directly on the site. All credit card transactions are secured by TLS/SSL technology, and we comply with PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standard) for all online transactions.
Make payment by credit/debit card with just 3 simple steps:
When you are on the payment page, the following information is required:
Paypal is the most popular and preferred payment gateway that accepts payments by credit/debit cards or fund transfers between accounts. You have two options of payment below.
The list of Credit Card we accepted for this option include Mastercard, Discover, Diners, Visa, American Express, and Union Pay
Your credit/debit card bank statement for this transaction will show Paypal*TRAVEL VISA, Paypal*TRAVEL VISA SERVICE. It depends on your card’s issuing bank’s country.
When you are on the payment page, the following details are required.
With this option, you just need to log in to your PayPal account to make the payment for your order. It's a very straightforward and secure process with the highest customer protection.
In some cases, after completing the payment process, you may receive an email from our team requesting support documents for your booking as required by airlines and/or our third-party service providers. This is to ensure all travelers’ information is thoroughly checked and provided accordingly to the service providers in advance. This will help verify your personal information is accurate so that you can avoid the time-consuming verification process at the check-in counters. This process is also to ensure that your credit, debit, or charge card is not being used without your consent.
Nároky na slevy a úspory jsou založeny na mnoha faktorech, včetně vyhledávání přes 600 leteckých společností za účelem nalezení nejnižšího dostupného tarifu. Zobrazené promo kódy (pokud existují) jsou platné pro úspory za kvalifikované rezervace z našich standardních servisních poplatků . Senioři a mládež mohou najít konkrétní zlevněné tarify nabízené některými leteckými společnostmi, které splňují kvalifikaci letecké společnosti. Vojenští, pozůstalí a zrakově postižení cestující mají nárok na slevy z našich poplatků za služby po rezervaci, jak je uvedeno v zásadách o výjimkách ze soucitu, které jsou uvedeny v našich Smluvních podmínkách .
* Úspory založené na středním tarifu zjištěném na Travelner minulý měsíc. Všechny ceny platí pro zpáteční jízdenky. Ceny zahrnují všechny palivové příplatky, daně a poplatky a naše servisní poplatky . Vstupenky jsou nevratné, nepřenosné, nepřevoditelné. Změny jmen nejsou povoleny. Jízdné je správné pouze v době zobrazení. Zobrazené ceny se mohou změnit, dostupnost a nelze je zaručit v době rezervace. Nejnižší tarify mohou vyžadovat nákup předem až na 21 dní. Mohou platit určitá data výpadku. Cestování o prázdninách a víkendech může být zpoplatněno. Mohou platit jiná omezení. Ušetřete peníze porovnáním více leteckých společností na našem webu a výběrem nejnižší ceny.