How to find the cheapest flight
from Amsterdam to Gdansk

All the information you need to plan the best AMS to GDN flight in 2024: from comparing flight prices with the expected peak season, to helpful information about travel restrictions in Gdansk.

One of the essential ways to save on airfare from Amsterdam to Gdansk is to remain as flexible as possible. Flights that are in the afternoon tend to be the most expensive.

Amsterdam and Gdansk may be about 937.99 km, but the trip is pretty short.

* All fares are for round trip tickets for the specified dates. Fares include all fuel surcharges, taxes & fees and our service fees. Tickets are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-assignable. Name changes are not permitted. Displayed fares are only correct at the time of display and are subject to change, availability and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. See our Terms and Conditions for more details.

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COVID-19 negative certification required for entering the country.

Quarantine Requirements

Quarantine Requirements

Self-isolation at own accommodation- subject to category.

Travellers who do not hold any of proof documents are subject to a 10-day quarantine upon entry, regardless of the means of transport used (collective, individual, or when crossing the border on foot).

The 10-day quarantine may be shortened by a negative result to a COVID-19 test (PCR or antigen) performed in a laboratory – at own costs – within 48 hours after crossing the border. The self isolation period can be ended by a negative result to a molecular (PCR) COVID-19 test, performed on day 8 at the earliest from arrival.

Children under the age of 12, travelling under the supervision of adults who have been fully vaccinated, or who have a negative result to a COVID-19 test, are exempted from quarantine requirements.

Travel Documents Requirements

Travel Documents Requirements

Entering this country with the EU Digital COVID certificate:

Travellers can enter Poland without being subject to further restrictions (testing or quarantine), if their ‘EU Digital COVID Certificate’ (EUDCC) contains one of the following:

  • Proof of full vaccination, valid 14 days after the second dose of a vaccine with a two-dose schedule (counting from the day following the last vaccination date) or 14 days after the single dose of the Janssen/Johnson&Johnson vaccine.
  • The vaccines approved by the European Medical Agency (EMA) are accepted.
  • Proof of recovery from COVID-19. Validity: 6 months  from the day of the positive result to a test.
  • A negative COVID-19 test result: both PCR and antigenic tests are accepted. Validity: 48 hours before arrival.

Entering this country without the EU Digital COVID certificate or with a certificate not compliant with national requirements

In the absence of a valid ‘EU Digital COVID Certificate’, other official documents in Polish or English, in electronic or paper form, are accepted if they certify one of the following:

  • Full vaccination (with a vaccine authorised by the European Medical Agency);
  • Recovery from COVID-19 in the last 6 months;
  • A negative COVID-19 test result performed within 48 hours before arrival.

Alternative routes for Amsterdam to Gdansk

Select to see more specific information for flights from Amsterdam to popular places in Gdansk.

Destination information for Gdansk

Things to know before you go - useful info for your trip from Amsterdam to Gdansk

Airports servicing

Gdansk (GDN)

Airports servicing

Amsterdam (AMS)

Discounts and Savings Claims

Discounts and savings claims are based on multiple factors, including searching over 600 airlines to find the lowest available fare. Promo codes shown (if any) are valid for savings for qualified bookings off our standard service fees. Seniors and youth may find specific discounted fares offered by certain airlines subject to airline qualifications. Military, bereavement, and visually impaired travelers are eligible for discounts off our post-booking service fees as outlined in the compassion exception policy, mentioned in our Terms and Conditions.

* Savings based on median fares found on Travelner last month. All fares are for round-trip tickets. Fares include all fuel surcharges, taxes & fees, and our service fees. Tickets are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-assignable. Name changes are not permitted. Fares are only correct at the time of display. Displayed fares are subject to change, availability and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. The lowest fares may require an advance purchase of up to 21 days. Certain blackout dates may apply. Holidays and weekend travel may have a surcharge. Other restrictions may apply. Save money by comparing multiple airlines within our website and choosing the lowest fare.

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