In addition to each Travel Supplier's cost and fees, Travelner may charge a service fee as described below. All Travelner fees are in Euro, charged on a per-passenger, per-ticket basis for flights, per room per night for hotels and per person for tours and packages. All fees are generally non-refundable and are subject to change without notice.
Total charge will be converted in your local currency on the payment page. There may be standard payment processing fees incurred by the bank or the card processing vendor.
Please always refer to our Terms and Conditions for full details
Our Service Fees | May Apply To | Amount |
Online Flight Booking Fees | Domestic and International | €0.00 to €35.00 Per Person per-ticket |
Online Hotel Booking Fees | All Hotels | Up to €42.00 (per room, per night) |
Online Car Rental Booking Fees | All Car Rentals | Up to €40.00 (per rental) |
Online Tour Booking Fees | All Tours | Up to €50 (per person per tour) |
Important Note: All service fees are subject to change without notice. YOU WILL BE CHARGED THE FINAL TOTAL PRICE AS QUOTED REGARDLESS OF ANY CHANGE OR VARIANCE IN THE SERVICE FEES. Please review the total final price carefully.
Cancellation requested within 24 hours of booking | ||||
Applies To | Domestic | International and Business Class | ||
Assisted Cancellation | €50 | €75 |
Cancellation & Refunds beyond 24 hours of booking | ||||
Applies To | Air - Economy | Air - Business/First | ||
Domestic | International | Domestic | International | |
Assisted Cancellation w/Future Credit | €50 | €50 | €100 | €100 |
Assisted Cancellation w/Refund | €100 | €250 | €250 | €250 |
Changes to Existing Tickets (exchange) | ||||
Within 10 days of new travel date | €150 | €250 | €250 | €250 |
Beyond 10 days of new travel date | €100 | €200 | €200 | €250 |
Travelner is able to help you request additional services with the airlines to make your trip more memorable. Please find below the list of services and fees that are charged on top of the applicable airlines’ fees.
Special Services | Domestic |
Passenger Name Misspelling | € 50 |
Baggage Related Service | € 25 |
No-Show Services | € 25 |
Denied Boarding Services | € 25 |
Duplicate Booking Services | € 25 |
Advanced Seat Selection | € 5 |
All Special Services are on a request basis ONLY and are subject to each airline's review and approval process along with their fare rules, policies and procedures. Special Service Fees will be charged upon the provision of the service(s) and will only be refunded if the request is denied by the airline.
For changes/cancelations/refunds of Hotel reservation, all Travelner hotel reservation booking fees are non-refundable. Travelner will charge a service fee up to €25 per room in addition to supplier penalty fees, if any.
For changes/cancelations/refunds of Car reservation, All Travelner car rental reservation booking fees are non-refundable. Travelner will charge a service fee of €15 in addition to supplier penalty fees, if any.
In the event that changes or a cancellation is allowed for a vacation package, Travelner's service fee for processing such change or cancellation will be €75 per-passenger, per-ticket for flights, €25 per room per night for hotel and €15 for car bookings in addition to any fare difference and any applicable Travel Supplier fees.
Cancel and Refund: In the event that a portion of your vacation package is refundable, the refundable portion thereof will be refunded less any cancellation fee. No refund will be made for any unused or partially used portions of the vacation package.
Travelner may offer other travel products and services featured on our websites or quoted by our Support center. Please ensure you read the associated terms and conditions carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
Захтеви за попусте и уштеде су засновани на више фактора, укључујући претрагу преко 600 авио-компанија да бисте пронашли најнижу доступну цену. Приказани промо кодови (ако их има) важе за уштеде за квалификоване резервације од наших стандардних накнада за услугу . Сениори и омладина могу пронаћи одређене снижене цене карата које нуде одређене авиокомпаније у зависности од квалификација авиокомпаније. Војници, путници са ожалошћеним и оштећеним видом испуњавају услове за попусте на наше накнаде за услуге након резервације као што је наведено у политици изузетака саосећајности, поменутом у нашим Условима и одредбама .
* Уштеде на основу средњих цена карата пронађених на Travelner у прошлог месеца. Све цене су за повратне карте. Цене карата укључују све накнаде за гориво, порезе и накнаде, као и накнаде за наше услуге . Улазнице су неповратне, непреносиве, непреносиве. Промена имена није дозвољена. Цене су тачне само у тренутку приказивања. Приказане цене су подложне променама, доступности и не могу се гарантовати у тренутку резервације. Најниже цене могу захтевати куповину унапред до 21 дан. Могу се применити одређени датуми замрачења. Празници и путовања викендом могу имати доплату. Могу се применити и друга ограничења. Уштедите новац тако што ћете упоредити више авио компанија на нашој веб страници и изабрати најнижу карту.