All the information you need to plan the best AUH to ATH flight in 2024: from comparing flight prices with the expected peak season, to helpful information about travel restrictions in Greece.
Abu Dhabi and Greece may be about 3266.88 km, but the trip is pretty short.
* All fares are for round trip tickets for the specified dates. Fares include all fuel surcharges, taxes & fees and our service fees. Tickets are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-assignable. Name changes are not permitted. Displayed fares are only correct at the time of display and are subject to change, availability and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. See our Terms and Conditions for more details.
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COVID-19 negative certification required for entering the country.
"Quarantine at hotel depending on result of random health screening run upon arrival.
Travellers who test positive must quarantine for 10 days. If they are fully vaccinated, quarantine lasts 7 days. In both cases, quarantine is lifted only if travellers perform a negative molecular (PCR) test on the last day of self-isolation."
"All travellers aged 12 and olde, regardless of the epidemiological situation of their country of departure, must provide one of the following documents:
Proof of full vaccination, issued by a certified authority.
Validity: 14 days after the second dose of vaccine. For Janssen (Johnson and Johnson), the vaccination is considered completed 14 days after the single dose has been administered.
Accepted vaccines: Comirnaty (Pfizer BioNtech), Spikevax (Moderna), Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca/Oxford), Novavax, Janssen (Johnson and Johnson), Sinovac Biotech, Gamaleya (Sputnik), Cansino Biologics, Sinopharm.
Proof of recovery from COVID-19, issued by a public authority or a certified laboratory. Validity: between 30 and 180 days after the first positive result. Negative result to a COVID-19 test. Both molecular (PCR) tests (performed within 72 hours before arrival) and rapid antigen tests (performed within 48 hours before arrival) are accepted
All certificates must include critical information (number of doses, dates etc.) in Greek, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian. The person’s full name must match the name on the passport or any other recognised travel document.
Note: travellers selected randomly might be subject to mandatory rapid antigen tests at the entrance gates.Travellers who test positive must quarantine for 10 days. If they are fully vaccinated, quarantine lasts 7 days. In both cases, quarantine is lifted only if travellers perform a negative molecular (PCR) test on the last day of self-isolation.
Children under 12 years old are exempted from the requirements mentioned above.
Minors aged 12-17 can present any test, including a negative self-test certificate performed 24 hours before travelling by stating their self-test result on the platform
(*)Additional requirements for travellers from specific countries
Residents of the Russian Federation must always provide a negative result to a molecular PCR test (valid 72 hours) or a rapid antigen test (valid 48 hours), and will be subject to additional testing upon arrival, regardless of whether or not they are vaccinated.
In addition to the requirements listed above, residents of Argentina, Chile, India, Oman and Uruguay must perform a molecular (PCR) or rapid antigen test upon arrival.
Irrespective of their nationality, travellers without a certificate of vaccination or recovery flying from Albania, Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Egypt, Georgia, India, Libya, Morocco, North Macedonia, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates must perform a test upon arrival. If the test is positive, they will have to perform a molecular (PCR) test to confirm the result. Residents of Argentina, Chile, India, Oman and Uruguay must be tested upon arrival, even if they are vaccinated or have recovered (see above)."
Things to know before you go - useful info for your trip from Abu Dhabi to Greece
Athens (ATH)
Abu Dhabi (AUH)
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* Savings based on median fares found on Travelner last month. All fares are for round-trip tickets. Fares include all fuel surcharges, taxes & fees, and our service fees. Tickets are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-assignable. Name changes are not permitted. Fares are only correct at the time of display. Displayed fares are subject to change, availability and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. The lowest fares may require an advance purchase of up to 21 days. Certain blackout dates may apply. Holidays and weekend travel may have a surcharge. Other restrictions may apply. Save money by comparing multiple airlines within our website and choosing the lowest fare.