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Frequently asked questions

What's the average price of a hotel in Adana?

The average price for a 3-star hotel in Adana is .

The average price for a 4-star hotel in Adana is .

And the average price for a 5-star hotel in Adana is .

Book hotel with only 4 steps

Here’s a quick overview of the process, from start to finish.

Search Hotel

Step 1:

Search Hotel

Please enter required information including location (city), proposed dates of stay, and number of guests.

Consider whether or not you require extra services such as a spa, fitness center or free Wifi.

Fill your information

Step 2:

Review options from available hotels, rooms, and rates

Choose from multiple hotel/ room/ rate combinations on the result page that best suits your needs.

Make the payment

Step 3:

Enter guest and payment details

Once you have selected your hotel room, you can reserve it online. Please input the guest’s details including but not limited to full names, addresses, email address and payment details. Various options of payment methods are available such as credit/ debit card, PayPal, and wire transfer.

Book ticket

Step 4 :


You will receive a confirmation email from either the hotel or Travelner for your reservation. Please read carefully the receipt to make sure everything is correct including travel dates and agreed-upon room rates.

Discounts and Savings Claims

Discounts and savings claims are based on multiple factors, including searching over 600 airlines to find the lowest available fare. Promo codes shown (if any) are valid for savings for qualified bookings off our standard service fees. Seniors and youth may find specific discounted fares offered by certain airlines subject to airline qualifications. Military, bereavement, and visually impaired travelers are eligible for discounts off our post-booking service fees as outlined in the compassion exception policy, mentioned in our Terms and Conditions.

* Savings based on median fares found on Travelner last month. All fares are for round-trip tickets. Fares include all fuel surcharges, taxes & fees, and our service fees. Tickets are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-assignable. Name changes are not permitted. Fares are only correct at the time of display. Displayed fares are subject to change, availability and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. The lowest fares may require an advance purchase of up to 21 days. Certain blackout dates may apply. Holidays and weekend travel may have a surcharge. Other restrictions may apply. Save money by comparing multiple airlines within our website and choosing the lowest fare.

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