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COVID-19 negative certification required for entering the country.
Quarantine requirement at government designated site or self-isolation at home- subject to category.
*New rules for fully vaccinated arrivals
If you are fully vaccinated and arrive in England from a country that is not on the red list, you:
If you are fully vaccinated: This is what you need to do if you qualify under the fully vaccinated rules for travel to England.
Before you travel to England – fully vaccinated. Before you travel to England you must:
You will need to enter your COVID-19 test booking reference number on your passenger locator form.
When you arrive in England – fully vaccinated. After you arrive in England you must take a COVID-19 test. This is the test that you booked before travel. You can take the test any time after you arrive and before the end of day 2 at the latest. The day you arrive is day 0.
You must book this test before you travel.
If you will be in England for less than 2 days you still need to book and pay for a day 2 COVID-19 test. You only need to take the test if you are still in England on day 2.
Before you travel to England – not fully vaccinated. Before you travel to England you must:
When you arrive in England – not fully vaccinated. After you arrive in England you must:
You must take the first test on or before day 2 and the second test on or after day 8. The day you arrive is day 0.
If you are in England for less than 10 days, you need to quarantine for the time you are here. You need to book day 2 and day 8 PCR tests. You only need to take the tests if you are still in England on those days.
The cheapest flights to London are usually found when departing on a Sunday.
Flights to the London vary considerably depending on a number of factors. These factors include which city you are departing from, and how many layovers the flight has.
Multiple stops can add on a lot of time to London flights.
Check out other popular destinations found by fellow travellers in 2025.
Here’s a quick overview of the process, from start to finish.
Search preferred flights and available deals by choosing your destination, your trip (one way, round trip or multi cities), arrival date, return date, number of travelers, class.
Fill in the online form for all passengers with full names, gender, date of birth, passport details as they appear on the passenger's passport, and contact details
Pay your booking to secure reservations either by Credit / Debit card, Paypal Account, or wire transfer to our HSBC Bank account.
After payment, you may receive a follow-up email from our team for further support.
After payment is verified successfully, we will issue an E-Ticket and send it to you via email.
Print off your E-Ticket and make sure you keep it with you at all times during travel.
Discounts and savings claims are based on multiple factors, including searching over 600 airlines to find the lowest available fare. Promo codes shown (if any) are valid for savings for qualified bookings off our standard service fees. Seniors and youth may find specific discounted fares offered by certain airlines subject to airline qualifications. Military, bereavement, and visually impaired travelers are eligible for discounts off our post-booking service fees as outlined in the compassion exception policy, mentioned in our Terms and Conditions.
* Savings based on median fares found on Travelner last month. All fares are for round-trip tickets. Fares include all fuel surcharges, taxes & fees, and our service fees. Tickets are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-assignable. Name changes are not permitted. Fares are only correct at the time of display. Displayed fares are subject to change, availability and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. The lowest fares may require an advance purchase of up to 21 days. Certain blackout dates may apply. Holidays and weekend travel may have a surcharge. Other restrictions may apply. Save money by comparing multiple airlines within our website and choosing the lowest fare.